Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Great Honor

The other day, author and #FridayFlash fiction writer, Steve Green, sent a note that he had bestowed upon me the Creative Genius Blog Award. Creative I can agree with, but Genius? Some days I find myself on the opposite end of the spectrum. Still, I am both grateful and pleased that Steve thought of me. Steve has given me some great feedback here on Powder Burns (I refuse to call it PB&B since that sounds too much like the foundation of my child's food pyramid) and I enjoy visiting his blog every week to read the new and wonderful creations of his mind. Many of you already have bookmarked his blog as one of your personal favorites. If you haven't, I suggest you do.

Now, in order to pass it forward, I would like to give the award to the following great writers:

John Wiswell - Writing a weekly installment for #FridayFlash can be a challenge, but John does it on a daily basis. That takes a lot of creativity and far, far more than a smidgen of genius.

Kari Fay - Like John Wiswell, Kari writes daily stories posted to her blog. I wish I had the stamina.

Jon Strother - It goes without saying that Jon deserves this award for having the genius insight into creating #FridayFlash. Way to go, Brother Jon.

All of you are awesome

Until next time...


  1. Congratulations on the award! And great choices for passing it on.

  2. Congrats on the award! And we both passed ours on to the great and powerful Wiz! Peace...

  3. Thank you, Stephen. Good choices on the others, and you most certainly do deserve it.

  4. Thank you very much, Stephen. I'm highly flattered. It is difficult to keep up daily posting, especially since I've begun work on a new novel. If people like yourself enjoy them, then they're worth continuing. I'll respond officially to the award on Saturday, after #fridayflash.

  5. congratulation, I have to say it is well deserved and to those you passed it on to...Well done
